Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Fan Art Contest 2017: THE WINNERS

Wow, this was an amazing contest! First of all, I just have to say a huge thank you to everyone who participated....the art is just so exceptionally gorgeous, and the voters came out in a STORM. Everybody got votes, lots of em, but some favorites did stand out, especially for 1st and 2nd place. The battle for 3rd however was very aggressive, lol. So congratulations to every artist, your work was loved and appreciated!

Without further ado, the big reveal.....

3rd Place 
The Gift 
by Hannah LaTray

2nd Place 
Betina and Rosie 
by Gabriella Silverstein

1st Place 
Eanrin: Bard and Knight of Farthestshore  
Courtney Dusenbury

First place will be receiving a $10 Amazon Gift Card + the beautiful necklace created by E.F.B. 2nd Place will receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card. And 3rd a $5 Amazon Gift Card. The winners will be contacted in the next few days to be given their prizes.

So how about a big round of applause for the winners, all the artists, and the voters! Thank you for making this possible! May the song of the Wood Thrush lead you wherever you go....


  1. *squeaks* WINNERS! :D (So cuuute and/or gorgeous! ^_^) YAY!!! *throws confetti* Congrats Courtney, Gabriella, and Hannah L! :D

    And congrats all the author artists for making such a GORGEOUS batch of fan-art this year! I loved them all! ^_^

    This was my favorite contest yet! :D *applause all around*

  2. Congratulations, you guys! These are great pictures!

  3. Thunderous applause to all!!! Special congratulations to Courtney, Gabriella, and Hannah L. All your work and heart created gorgeous art that honored these beautiful stories by Anne Elisabeth Strengl. I loved them all!

  4. Way to go, you three! I loved all your pieces and it's so cool that the winners have such distinct and unique styles! Congrats!

  5. Congratulations to every one! You definitely deserved to win!

  6. Congratulations! They are beautiful!

  7. Wonderful job, everyone! Congratulations, winners!
